Strong® and MBTI ®Career Report & Coaching Debrief



Having a deeper understanding of your personality type provides a strong foundation for consistent personal development across your life. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) provides you with deeply meaningful insights that help you to better use your natural strengths while continuing to develop new skills in all areas of life.

The MBTI framework and Strong Interest Inventory® are two of the world’s most comprehensive tools for understanding your personality and letting it inform your decisions. MBTI is considered the gold standard for interpreting personality types and uncovering vital insights about how you make decisions and seek fulfillment in life. This makes it the perfect complement to the Strong Interest Inventory, which explores your deepest interests and helps make decisions about educational opportunities and career paths.

About the Strong and MBTI Career Report

By combining the Strong and MBTI Career Report, you’ll have the guidance and insights you need to maximize your enjoyment, fulfillment, and success in life. It doesn’t matter if you’re a student hoping to step into the perfect career or an adult looking to make some changes in your life. The Strong and MBTI Career Report is a great fit to help you find where you’re supposed to be. It will guide you through a journey of self-discovery, strengthening your resolve and propelling you toward your ideal future. A successful and fulfilling career is one that matches your personality and interests — and this unique assessment can help you discover the best career for you and help you create a brighter tomorrow. Take the first step by uncovering your truth through The Strong and MBTI Career Report.

Coaching debrief

To enhance your success and fulfillment, upon completion of the Strong and MBTI Career Report, you’ll participate in a 30-minute group session with one of our certified trainers. This coaching debrief session enhances your success by providing you with detailed guidance about your profile, teaching you how to make the most out of the information you received.

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